The owner of a dog shall have the dog vaccinated against rabies by a veterinarian within 30 days after the dog reaches 4 months of age and revaccinated ...
Wood County Seasonal Weight Restrictions will begin as follows:
South of STH 73 - 03/10/2025 at 7:00 a.m.
North of STH 73 - 03/11/2025 at 7:00 a.m.
Please see attached file for the most current News Release regarding trail conditions and Powers Bluff.
Pursuant to §65.90, Wis. Statutes, the Wood County Board, at its meeting on February 18, 2025, made the following budget changes:
Resolution 25-2-1: Amend the 2024 Arbitrage Rebate Payment ...
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, as provided by Wood County Treasurer, Heather L. Gehrt, pursuant to Wis. Stat. 59.66, that a list of names and last-known addresses of owners of unclaimed monies, securities, or funds held by the Wood County Treasurer is available at www.woodcountywi.gov/departments/treasurer or www.wisconsinpublicnotices.org or the Wood County Treasurer’s Office at 400 Market St., Wisconsin Rapids