Wood County, Wisconsin

Official Website

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Please see the attached news release regarding snowmobile trail conditions, opening, and closings along with Powers Bluff information.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, as provided by Wood County Treasurer, Heather L. Gehrt, pursuant to Wis. Stat. 59.66, that a list of names and last-known addresses of owners of unclaimed monies, securities, or funds held by the Wood County Treasurer is available at www.woodcountywi.gov/departments/treasurer or www.wisconsinpublicnotices.org or the Wood County Treasurer’s Office at 400 Market St., Wisconsin Rapids


Please take some time to participate in the Parks and Forestry Open Space Plan Survey. Your input is very important to us.


Wood County seeks applicants for an opening for a citizen member on the Health & Human Services Committee. The Health and Human Services Committee has oversight of the following departments: Human ...

See the attached document for an update on the CTH AA road closure.